Peer-to-peer (P2P) networks are distributed architectures that partition task or workloads between peers. Peers are equally privileged, equipotent participants in the network, forming a peer-to-peer network of nodes.
“The peer-to-peer movement allowed millions of internet users to directly connect, form groups, and collaborate with each other to function as user-created search engines, virtual supercomputers, and file systems. This model of network arrangement differs from the client-server model, where communication is usually to and from a central server.”
“Peer-to-peer learning is a mutual learning and training strategy that involves participants engaging in collaborative learning processes”
“Peer-to-peer learning is a mutual learning and training strategy that involves participants engaging in collaborative learning processes”
Donated by Linda Rocco
revisions made by an artist in a drawing, e.g. redrawing the lines of a composition
“the existence of an under drawing reveals the presence of pentimenti”
“the artist often revises her compositions, several layers of pentimenti can be seen”
“the artist often revises her compositions, several layers of pentimenti can be seen”
Donated by Sarah Casey
Something peripheral is something that is ‘at the edge’ of the main activity or event.
In art practice, the peripheral activities may be the things you do that support other things; they may be the preparatory work; or they may be the surrounding conditions or contexts that sit quietly in the background. Often, that which is peripheral contains huge importance, but this may take longer to appear into view.
In art practice, the peripheral activities may be the things you do that support other things; they may be the preparatory work; or they may be the surrounding conditions or contexts that sit quietly in the background. Often, that which is peripheral contains huge importance, but this may take longer to appear into view.
“It was always kind of surrounding me in a peripheral way.”
“But if his own role was peripheral, whose was central?”
“But if his own role was peripheral, whose was central?”
Donated by Alice Gale-Feeny
Phygital is a term used to describe the relationship between the physical and digital world. It is commonly used to describe a retail experience or a marketing strategy. In contemporary art, the term is used to explore the theoretical implications of the intersection between physical and digital and new social contexts.
“The future is phygital; The arts have responded to crisis by embracing technology and finding new ways to connect with audiences”
“In true phygital style, this ambitious exhibition of contemporary art leans entirely on AR and it premiered simultaneously in 12 botanic gardens around the world”
“In true phygital style, this ambitious exhibition of contemporary art leans entirely on AR and it premiered simultaneously in 12 botanic gardens around the world”
Donated by Jenny Dunseath
The word posh means wealthy, well off, loaded, or fancy. The origin of this word derives from an old Romany Gypsy slang word for pennies, i.e. if you’ve a lot of pennies you’re well to do, rich, etc. It’s a fluid word like most British slang, when used in criticism it usually has a derogatory meaning. When used with close friends, it has a lighthearted tone.
“They must be quite posh to have sent her children to Eton School.”
“Look at you, you’re all poshed up for the exhibition opening!”
“Look at you, you’re all poshed up for the exhibition opening!”
Donated by Mi Zhang