Stands for Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions, which is a term and movement started by Palestinians to urge the international community to put pressure on companies which contribute to the forced displacement of Palestinians by the Israeli state, through complete boycott and withdrawal of support.
“I will not accept offers to work with the Zabludowicz Collection as they are not BDS aligned due to their receipt of charitable funding and profit from apartheid Israel.”
Donated by June Lam
To talk in a long-winded way without making much sense / a long chat between friends or meaning a person who is a gossip.
“We had a right good blether at the weekend”
Donated by Mandy Ure
A stupid and careless mistake.
"Oooo Trev, you've made a right blunder of that Victoria Sponge"
Donated by Adam Gillam
A thing or space of no perimeter - surface area with no end.
"The writings for and to my pratice have no corners. They are boundless"
"In respect to the invigilation instigated by instituion, how does the word boundless converse with a structured dialogue?"
"In respect to the invigilation instigated by instituion, how does the word boundless converse with a structured dialogue?"
Donated by Ratiba Ayadi